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Building VR Apps with React360

Last tended May 14, 2019
Web Development
Illustrated Notes

3D objects flying out of a browser

Turns out you can build almost anything in React now... including VR and AR apps inside a web browser.

There's a version of React called

that simplifies the otherwise niche and overly-complex challenge of making things fly around in virtual 3D space.

made an entire egghead course that walks you through building
VR Applications Using React 360

Course illustration of objects in 3D space

Here's all my illustrated notes on the material.

VR apps with React 360
Let's us build 3D and VR apps on the web - without needing to learn crazy complex tools like WebGL. Instead we can just use React
Uses flexbox for layouts. On the web it flexes across rows by default. But in VR it flexes downwards in a stacked columns. To add CSS styles to our views, we make a special React 360 stylesheet and then we pass them to the style tag
Add 3D models to your components with the Entity tag. We can apply CSS transforms to these
The full React 360 illustrated note

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