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JavaScript Bits You Skipped the First Time Around

Planted Dec 28, 2019 –
Last tended Dec 28, 2019
Illustrated Notes
Web Development

Advanced JavaScript Fundamentals

Being humans, we rarely learn things linearly. No one begins their JavaScript journey by reading

line-by-line like a pedantic masochist.

Instead we all cobble together a good-enough understanding, leaving holes here and there to fill in later.

So far I've stumbled along without 100% grokking prototypical inheritance, or how call, apply, and bind work on functions.

It's fine. Stuff mostly works. Until it doesn't ¯_(ツ)_/¯

But at some point, it's useful to stop stumbling about and peek back at those holes.

Course illustration of a building with a bright yellow foundation floor for advanced javascript foundations

's egghead course on
Advanced JavaScript Foundations
that was exactly that hole-filling opportunity for me.

As usual, I drew some notes...

Advanced JavaScript foundations
Advanced JavaScript foundations
Advanced JavaScript foundations
Advanced JavaScript foundations

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Linked References

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